
A year or two ago, I tried to wrap my head around GNUnet so that I could try to make parallel implementations of small bits in Rust, but found its documentation to be utterly impenetrable. Not even from a technical standpoint, the massive reference manual / "handbook" is quite overwhelming and more akin to the Lord of the Rings.

Just now, I decided to look up the documentation for GNUnet's IPC functionality. This is a pretty important component of GNUnet's modularity. One rather important section about sending an example AddressLookupMessage between has the immediate subheading "FIXME: This is very outdated, see the tutorial for the current API!"

To my annoyance, there is no link provided to this tutorial. Where is it? I will put the link in there myself if it exists.

I am unfamiliar with how exactly documentation is put together for GNUnet, but just separating out the contributor's/developer's handbook (most of the page) would make the actual user manual significantly less intimidating. It doesn't need to all be on one page.

I also made some SVG diagrams of specific GNUnet subsystems (the core transport -> CADET stack, GNS, VPN), but I don't recall ever hearing back from anyone about them. Are they any good?


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