
You are wrong in this regard: PGP is widely
adpopted (and what is your definition of
"the world"?). And it makes perfectly sense
to have both worlds.

I won't argue with that...
But the trend is not in favor of PGP.

OpenPGP offers a completely different trust
model which suits the needs of some users
very well (you can establish a web of trust
with anyone without overhead) while S/MIME
(or better: X.509) uses a centralized, CA-
based model. For some applications I would
never trust a commercial certification
authority, so in X.509 you have to operate
your own CA...

You are wrong!
You can use self-signed certificates in a trust model similar to PGP.

Both S/MIME and OpenPG are standards (S/MIME
v.1 was more or less proprietary stuff),
you might have a look at the according IETF
working groups (http://www.ietf.org/).

True... I know... But S/MIME standard is the one which is implemented in every mail client program... not PGP...

Well, you might have a look at KMail, which
uses all the GPG 1.9 stuff. I was impressed
by having a key manager, a smart card daemon
and the easy interface of gpg-agent. This
framework does far more than any PKCS11-
implementation: For exampel it is able to
handle revocation lists and OCSP-queries.
This enables applications to use S/MIME without
re-inventing the wheel.

You don't understand what PKCS#11 is!!!!
Maybe that is the reason for all of these arguments...

PKCS#11 is an API needed to access cryptographic token. PKCS#11 is NOT OCSP or PKI or X.509. It just specify how application should access a cryptographic token that can perform hashing, symmetric and asymmetric key operation, key handling etc... A typical application need to use PKCS#11 __ONLY__ for the following purposes:
1. Perform operation with private key located on token.
2. Fetch X.509v3 Digital Certificates from the token (User identities).

So please be fair: Both S/MIME and PGP have
their advantages and disadvantages. And GPG
seems to be on the way to be able to handle
both. This sounds like a good idea to me.

I am sorry, but I don't agree.
I don't find any advantage to keep OpenPGP formats. There is PKCS#7 for signed/enveloped data and S/MIME that uses PKCS#7 for email. Using self-signed certificates and PKCS#7 and S/MIME you get a full replacement for PGP... It will take several years, but eventually it will happen. Even pgp corp (www.pgp.com) understood that its future is in S/MIME and PKI, so they adjusting their product toward it.

My initial request was to consider supporting PKCS#11 standard in order to access keys that are located cryptographic tokens, in stead of using a proprietary card format... This should be done regardless of our small debate regarding S/MIME and PGP.

I hope you read more regarding PKCS#11 www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/pkcs/pkcs-11/index.html and understand its role in cryptographic application and that gpg can benefit from it.

Best Regards,
Alon Bar-Lev.

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