On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 11:42:52PM +0100, Michael Bienia wrote:
> > Michael Bienia wrote:
> > > does signing with the OpenPGP card only work with SHA1 as digest-algo?
> > > 
> > > With SHA1 and RIPEMD160 gpg asks for the PIN but only SHA1 generates a
> > > working signature. Trying RIPEMD160 I get:
> > > | gpg: checking created signature failed: bad signature
> > > | gpg: signing failed: bad signature
> > > | gpg: signing failed: bad signature
> A friend who uses his OpenPGP card with enigmail under windows can
> successfully create a RIPEMD160 signature.
> I could also create one if I use gpg with pcscd.
> Can someone explain me, why it works if I use gpg with pcscd and not if
> I use gpg alone?

I have the same problem as Michael.

Just while playing with gnupg i've notived, that the problem only
occur when gnupg-agent is involved.

Using gnupg without the agent creates a valid ripemd160 signiture.

Maybe this helps.

  - Daniel

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