Zach Himsel wrote:
>> On 6/6/2006 2:20 AM, Laurent Jumet wrote:
>> === Begin Windows Clipboard ===
[fixed indenting]
>> --passphrase-fd n
>>     Read the passphrase from file descriptor n.  If you use 0 for
>>     n, the passphrase will be read from stdin.  This can only  be
>>     used if only one passphrase is supplied.
>> --passphrase-file file
>>     Read the passphrase from file file.  This can only be used if
>>     only one passphrase is  supplied.   Obviously,  a  passphrase
>>     stored  in  a file is of questionable security if other users
>>     can read this file.  Don't use this option if you  can  avoid
>>     it.
>> --passphrase string
>>     Use  string as the passphrase.  This can only be used if only
>>     one passphrase is supplied.  Obviously, this is of very ques-
>>     tionable  security  on  a  multi-user system.  Don't use this
>>     option if you can avoid it.
>> === End Windows Clipboard ===
> How does the --passphrase-fd option work? How do I use that to
> store/autoenter my password?

A file descriptor is something like a stream or pipe. Applications which
communicate with gpg use --passphrase-fd to give gpg the passphrase. If
you use --passphrase-fd 0, it will read it from standard in. Apart from
that... <> explains it in
more detail.

You could of course use --passphrase-file <file>, provided the file is
only readable by yourself, but on a MinGW32 platform this is quite
unlikely. That leaves --passphrase-string, which is still a security risk.

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  Down with categorical imperative!
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