Bo Berglund wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:38:35 +0200, Werner Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>FWIW, there is a little script in the gpg-distribution:
>># lspgpot - script to extract the ownertrust values
>># from PGP keyrings and list them in GnuPG ownertrust format.
>>I have not used it for a long time, but it might be helpful.  Run it
>>with PGP's pubring as argument.
> Probably good on Linux systems but I can't find anything in my GnuPG
> installation on WindowsXP-Pro. And I doubt scripts will run on
> Windows...
> (I installed using gpg4win-1.0.4)

Feeling adventurous? Look into Cygwin for running those scripts. It's one of
several POSIX compatibility layers.

John P. Clizbe                   Inet:   JPClizbe(a)comcast DOT nyet
Golden Bear Networks             PGP/GPG KeyID: 0x608D2A10
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss, "Oh the Places You'll Go"

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