
The logo contest for GnuPG (see http://logo-contest.gnupg.org) has
been finished some time ago.  However up to the end of the voting
period, I received only 11 votes out of 40 people eligible to vote.
Further there is no clear results. 9 votes are for 9 different
submissions and only 2 voted for the same.

Given these results anything else but canceling this ballot would be

To come to a decision, I have setup a new ballot using Condorcet
voting at the the CIVS service [1].  All 1230 subscribers of
gnupg-users and gnupg-devel are eligible to cast their vote.  They
will soon receive a mail with an URL to the ballow page.  There you
may rank all submissions or tag them with "no opinion".  Note that,
some submissions are by the same authors; they are distinguished by
small letter and a description in parentheses (the name is only given
one).  Please make sure that your spam filters don't catch the mail
with the URL, it will be send from andru at cs.cornell.edu.

The ballot runs to the end of this month.



[1] http://www.cs.cornell.edu/andru/civs.html

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