I seem to be having some trouble with my openpgp card:

gnupg knows I have secret keys on an openpgp card:
$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec#  1024D/51192FF2 2002-03-22
ssb>  1024R/4A1C1224 2005-06-27

(output has been modified showing only what I think are relevant lines)

but then when I try to sign a file, gpg ignores these keys:

$ gpg --clearsign test.txt
gpg: secret key parts are not available
gpg: no default secret key: general error
gpg: test.txt: clearsign failed: general error

Even if I specify the signing subkey from the card, it doesn't work:

$ gpg --clearsign -u '0x4a1c1224' test.txt
gpg: secret key parts are not available
gpg: skipped "0x4a1c1224": general error
gpg: test.txt: clearsign failed: general error

If I force that subkey, it works:
$ gpg --clearsign -u '0x4a1c1224!' test.txt
(gpg agent popped up a pinentry dialog, and I was able to enter the PIN
on the pinpad)

What am I doing wrong?

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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