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Alex Mauer wrote:
> Remco Post wrote:
>> hmmm, more problems. I've decided that the ubuntu packages are broken.
>> I'll try again in a new release or when I gain some more patience ;-)
> Have you looked for and/or reported the bugs you found?
> It works for me pretty much "out of the box" with ubuntu/feisty, less so
> with earlier releases.
> Here are the problems I found and what I had to do to fix them:
> * gnupg was trying to use pcsc-wrapper at the wrong location (see bug
> #68047, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnupg2/+bug/68047 ).
> It is installed in /usr/lib/gnupg2 rather than /usr/lib/gnupg where the
> scd is looking for it.  This can be solved either by copying the file,
> or with a symlink.  This seems to have been fixed in feisty.

ok, installing gnupg2 and symlinking this file as well as the libpcslite
helped, thanks a lot!

> * Another was that the ssh-agent support is not enabled out of the box.
>  This may be enabled by editing /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90gpg-agent and
> adding "--enable-ssh-support" in the appropriate place (around line 17).
> *The final thing I needed to do was to install the package
> libpcsclite-dev.  This installs the symlink /usr/lib/libpcsclite.so,
> linked to /usr/lib/libpcslite.so.1.0.0.  Or of course, you could create
> that symlink yourself.  This also appears to have been fixed in feisty,
> though you do still need libpcsclite1 (and pcscd).
> -Alex Mauer "hawke"
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- --
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Reken- en Netwerkdiensten                      http://www.sara.nl
High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 3000    Fax. +31 20 668 3167
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