On Sat, May 19, 2007 at 07:55:55PM +0200, Johan Wevers wrote:
> Well, I'm able to do some tests now with old backup CD's. All my old
> backups are still perfectly readable, the oldest being from February
> 1998. I'll keep testing.
> With modern equipment, not burning discs with maximum speed seems to
> help.
To chime in for a moment, I have CDR backups starting in mid-1995 (doing
backups once a month approximately). Of those earliest 10 discs, all of
them are still readable, but the media is visibly degrading in 50% of

- 2 discs (both Dysan, with a gold-looking surface) have the surface foil
  flaking off around the edges
- 3 discs (various) show imperfections in the coloured layer, blotchy.

The burner that I had would only reliably burn the first ~500Mb of the
discs, so the foil and other problems around the edges have not impacted
my data yet.

An interesting twist on this, is that some of my newer drives fail to
read the old discs properly. The older drives work fine however.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Council Member
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