Srihari Vijayaraghavan wrote:
> I now have an 'authentication' subkey created. I've even extracted the SSH
> compatible public key from the subkey using gpgkey2ssh (which I can propagate
> to .ssh/authorized_keys of the remote machines).
> I'm stuck on unable to understand how to integrate the secret key of the above
> authentication subkey with gpg-agent (or ssh-agent for that matter though
> gpg-agent is my preferred choice now :-)).

I am having this problem as well.  I created both an RSA and a DSA
subkey, as well as (for testing purposes) a new separate key (DSA).

I had expected them to show up in 'ssh-add -l' (I use gpg-agent with
ssh-agent support) ... but they don't.

It would be very helpful to know: why this doesn't happen, and how to
get it to work.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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