Werner Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed,  3 Oct 2007 03:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > If they're working fine for you, what do you see when you execute
> pcsc_scan. 
> I have one on my real keyring and it works just fine with a cut down
> OpenPGP card.  I am not using pcscd but the GnuPG internal driver.

Fair enough. I really don't know how to get this thing working on my
up-to-date Fedora 7 system.

(I've stopped pcscd service.)

Now this's my .gnupg/gpg-agent:
log-file gpg-agent.log
debug-level guru

This is what happens when I execute "gpg --card-status":
winscard_clnt.c:3349:SCardCheckDaemonAvailability() PCSC Not Running
gpg: pcsc_establish_context failed: no service (0x8010001d)
gpg: card reader not available
gpg: OpenPGP card not available: general error

Here's the contents of gpg-agent.log:
2007-10-08 09:29:42 gpg-agent[3136] listening on socket
2007-10-08 09:29:42 gpg-agent[3136] listening on socket
2007-10-08 09:31:15 gpg-agent[3137] handler 0x927bcd8 for fd 8 started
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: -> OK Pleased to meet you
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: <- OPTION display=:0.0
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: -> OK
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: <- OPTION ttyname=/dev/pts/1
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: -> OK
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: <- OPTION ttytype=xterm
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: -> OK
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: <- OPTION lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: -> OK
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: <- OPTION lc-messages=en_US.UTF-8
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: -> OK
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: <- SCD SERIALNO openpgp
2007-10-08 09:31:15 gpg-agent[3137] no running SCdaemon - starting it
2007-10-08 09:31:15 gpg-agent[3137] DBG: first connection to SCdaemon
2007-10-08 09:31:15 gpg-agent[3137] DBG: additional connections at
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: -> ERR 100663356 Not supported <SCD>
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: <- BYE
gpg-agent[3137.8] DBG: -> OK closing connection
2007-10-08 09:31:15 gpg-agent[3137] handler 0x927bcd8 for fd 8 terminated

I'm unable to decipher what the problem is, are you? Would appreciate some
help here.

(To my untrained/inexperienced eyes, the "ERR 100663356 Not supported <SCD>"
looks like the problem here. Don't know how to solve it though.)

Thank you.

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