Hi everyone!

Can anyone exlain this strange gpg behavior, observed when I follow
these steps?
I use gpg to generate a key-pair using default options (1024D/2048g).
Afterwards, I import the secret keyring into another account, and issue
the following commands "gpg --export" and "gpg --export-secret-key" in
both the accounts.

I noticed that while the second command yeilds identical results, the
output of the first command is slightly different in the two cases
(actually, just the last 44 bytes). A little analysis reveals that the
bytes that differ are really the two MPIs representing the "r" and "s"
components of the DSA signature for the ELG subkey.

Further, if I export my secret keyring to several different accounts/
computers, all of them end up with identical DSA signature for the
exported subkey (but it's different from the original signature). Can
someone please explain why is it like this?


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