
In the pursuit of complicating my life with some fun, I have installed
Linux Ubuntu 7.04 under Parallels 3.0 Mac build 5160 (in addition to
Windows XP Pro). The current release of Ubuntu, 7.10 is not [yet]
digested by Parallels, but eventually it will.

Ubuntu 7.04 distribution came with GnuPG 1.4.6 already installed.
After much searching and installing I finally got:
- compiled 1.4.7 from source after installing 'build-essential', because
the C compiler that came with that Ubuntu release was not suitable, by
itself, to compile gnupg. 
- installed GPA and KGpg
- imported my keyrings from gnupg/MacOS 10.4.10 (Leopard is still
wandering in the jungle on its to my home), and reset the trust.

My question, please help: where, how can I find and open, actually open
and edit as required, gpg.conf? A ls search in .gnupg lists 'options'. I
remember that gnupg.options was the ancestor of gpg.conf (probably
before gnupg 1.2.*).

Sorry if the question seems [is] silly, but I have a block. I have tried
to use pico (nano), but I don't seem to strike the right commands.


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