Am 28 Feb 2008 um 10:04 hat Wilhelm Müller geschrieben:

> >>>>> On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 13:23:34 -0500, David Shaw
>     David> Why?
>     David> I'm serious - what is the use case here?  How often do
>     David> people need to list all recipients of a file? 
> I agree with David, 

David didn't say he doesn't want this new command, but asked seriously 
for some use cases.

> especially since the desired feature is already present, though
> somewhat hidden: 
>     gpg --list-only --verbose encrypted_file.gpg

It kind of partially works. With --verbose it at least mentions your 
own subkeys, but still doesn't print the uids or the primary keyid. 
No nice consistent output and a 'somewhat hidden' command.
If you prefer not changing anything then Davids tip is much better.


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