On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 02:13:17AM +0200, Josef Wolf wrote:

> I am wondering what this error message
>    WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `/usr/local/etc/backup'
> is trying to tell me.
> This directory is owned by root:myself and has mode 750.  So it is
> writable only by root and readable only by myself and by root.
> AFAICS, it is as safe as it can get.  Do I really have to remove
> access for _root_?  How do I do that?
> I can see the necessity of such a warning if the directory is writable
> by some arbitrary user.  But isn't root somewhat special?
> Just wondering...

No opinions?  Here is one more example:

                          --homedir /m/a/etc/naclient/ppcbackup \
                          -r "myself" \
                          </etc/printcap >test
gpg: WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `/m/a/etc/naclient/ppcbackup'
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ls -l -d /m \
                         /m/a \
                         /m/a/etc \
                         /m/a/etc/naclient \
drwxr-x--x   9 myself myself 4096 2008-05-21 00:08 /m
drwxr-x--x  10 myself myself 4096 2006-07-18 15:00 /m/a
drwxr-x--x   7 myself myself 4096 2007-06-23 01:36 /m/a/etc
drwxr-x---   3 myself myself 4096 2008-05-24 01:49 /m/a/etc/naclient/
drwxr-x---   2 myself myself 4096 2008-05-28 21:17 /m/a/etc/naclient/ppcbackup/
uid=1006(myself) gid=1006(myself) groups=1006(myself)

The homedir and all the directories above it are owned by myself:myself.
None of them is modifiable by anyone else but myself:myself.  And the
homedir is readable only by myself:myself.  Why is this directory
considered to have unsafe permissions?  How do I get rid of this warning?

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