Faramir wrote:
Then I began to think... what does 06/09/08 mean? Here (at Chile), that
would mean September 6, 2008. But on USA, that means June 09, 2008.
Clearly, since we are at August 11, 2008, the time format in the output
message is mm/dd/yy. But my windows is using dd/mm/yyyy, so, maybe at
some point, something (gpg, or gpgshell, or maybe the function that gets
the current date) is taking mm/dd/yy as if it was dd/mm/yy, causing the
whole date calculation function to go crazy...

Time for computers is generally just the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 at 12:00:00 UTC if I'm not mistaken. Date formats are derived from that and displayed according to the user's preference.
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