Carlos Williams wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 8:25 PM, Andrew Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> gpg --list-keys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> will show your public key's properties (including the key ID).
> How do I make out which is my key ID? It is not clear and I can't find
> any info? Also is my private data now compromised for posting this
> info publicly?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gpg --list-keys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> pub   1024D/8BF7AA16 2008-08-18 [expires: 2009-08-18]
> uid                  Carlos Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> sub   2048g/FF202C9C 2008-08-18 [expires: 2009-08-18]
0x8BF7AA16 is your key ID the other is the subkey ID (there are many
discussions on subkeys throughout the history of the list, so I'll not
go into them here. And no, this information is not sensitive; it is for
the public key, and reveals no information on your private key.

Key ID: 0xF88E034060A78FCB
Fingerprint: 4A84 CAE2 A0D3 2AEB 71F6  07FD F88E 0340 60A7 8FCB
Windows NT 6.0.6001.18000 | GPG 1.4.9 | Thunderbird | Enigmail

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