vedaal wrote:
no, ANY pgp version on any platform will be able to decrypt a 3DES 
> message to any key
> they will easily be able to decrypt it
> and, as long as you have a GnuPG generated key,
> you will be able to decrypt whatever they send to you,
> on whatever system and pgp program they use
> vedaal


David Shaw wrote:
I should add, though, that unless there is some reason why you need to
> use that old V3 key, an arguably better solution would be to just ask
> your correspondent to generate a new key...
> David


Thanks to all (Vedaal, David, and Robert) for helping me through this
process.  I'm getting a handle on the things that were confusing and
concerning me.  PGP vs GPG, patent issues with IDEA, Ciphers, algorithms,
etc can all be confusing ...

I did get a positive response to the question of decrypting the file on the
contact's mainframe:

contact with legacy v3 key wrote:
> I can pretty much guarantee we would be able to decrypt the file on the
> mainframe

and I was able to decrypt their test message to me (using GnuPG 1.4.7 on
Windows).  Also, when I mentioned getting a newer key, the contact was
surprised that I was given a key from 1999 when they had a newer key that I
should've been given instead.  So the contact sent me their updated key to
use instead of the legacy v3 key anyway:

Type: Public Key
Algorithm: DSA/ELG
Size: 1024/2048 bits
Created: 2/10/2000
Expires: Never
Cipher: CAST5

I think we're good for changing from PGP 6.5.8 to GnuPG.  Any suggestions on
what version to get for our AIX install?  1.x or 2.x? website wrote:
>  "GnuPG comes in two flavours: 1.4.9 is the well known and portable
> standalone version, whereas 2.0.9 is the enhanced and somewhat harder to
> build version."
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