Michael wrote the following on 10/1/08 1:00 AM:
> Hello
> I am useing kde 4.1.1 and gpg 2.0.9 within kde there is a Program
> Kleopatra to maintain the keys. This program performs a selfcheck and
> complains about an option setting:
> gpgconf: ungültige Option "--check-options"
> I have searched all files up and down but I can not find out where this
> option is set. If there is anyone how has an idea to find this setting
> or even has an idea why this option might be invalid - I'd be happy to
> here about.
> Thanks  a lot
> Michael


there does seem to be such an option as --check-options.

There are such options as:
--import-options, --export-options, --list-options, --keyserver-options,
and a few more; all of them have to be defined by a value, e.g.
--list-options no-show-photos (do not show photos when listing keys
included in a user's keyserver), and so on.

Whereas the --check option is always (or usually) composed as
--check-sigs, --check-trustdb, etc.

--check-options as a inclusive option followed by a defining value is
invalid (I believe ungültige means invalid).

So maybe you'd be better erase (or comment) --check-options in your
gpg.conf file.

Just a thought,

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