On Fri, Jul 10 2009, Werner Koch wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 05:52, sriva...@ieee.org said:
>>         I have a 4096 bit RSA key -- can I create 2048 or 3072 bit
> 4096 is in fact also supported but that would require major changes in
> GnuPG, thus this published limit of 3072 
>>  subkeys and only copy these keys to the card? Or will the fact that the
>>  primary key is 4096 bits stymie the operation?
> That works.
> However, 3072 bit signing had another bug which I fixed this morning.
> Thus you need to use the latest SVN.

        I can report that 2048 bit RSA subkeys can be generated on the
 machine, transferred to the version 2 card, and they work.

        However, working with gnupg2 from Thursday VCS, 3072 bit keys
 can be created, transferred to the card, and may encrypt files, but
 decrypting the file failed with a cryptic "card error".

        I am now happy with my 2048 bit keys :-)

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