the dragon wrote:
> And if you look at the cases reported, these are not system admins 
> refusing to divulge data, or even regular people trying to protect their 
> privacy - they are child molestors and wanna-be terrorists.

If I read the news report at that link, I see the following:

> The former High Court judge did not provide details of the crimes being
> investigated in the case of either individual — neither of whom were
> necessarily suspects — nor of the sentences they received.

Neither of whom were necessarily suspects, is the key thing.

Sounds to me like you can also be forced to disclose encrypted information
if it is thought you have incriminating evidence regarding somebody else. If
this interpretation is correct, it goes very, very far.

In The Netherlands, you can be forced to divulge /somebody else's/ password
if they think you know that. The suspect can't be forced. [1]

Still an interesting observation about other people's keys, I think. But
increasingly off-topic for this list. I hope people can still appreciate it.


[1] (in Dutch)

PS: Yesterday I accidentally sent this only to "the dragon" where I intended
to send it only to the list. Let's try again :)

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