Steven W. Orr wrote the following on 8/21/09 10:28 AM:
> I decided to try sending my email with a signature attached instead of using
> an inline signature. Now my friend with Outlook Express is telling me that the
> message body is blank and that in order for him to see the message, he now has
> to open the text attachment. (He is not verifying the signature.) I'm using
> gpg2/Thunderbird/Enigmail and I sent a message to an address which then
> forwards back to me. Here's the structure I see when it comes back:

Hi Steven,

that is the structure that I can see when I chose View/Message source.


> Should I not be using the MIME signature or is there something he should
> change at his end (besides OE), or is this question something that is not gpg2
> related in the first place?

I believe that's the way Windows Outlook Express (paired with some
crypto module that is installed by the GnuPG4Win installer, for all I
know) processes OpenPGP/MIME messages.

If you friend is willing to use e.g. Thunderbird, he will get a
completely different rendering of an incoming OpenPGP/MIME e-mail.

This is neither GnuPG nor gpg2 related.

Take care,
MacOS 10.5.8-MacBook Intel C2Duo 2GHz-GnuPG 1.4.10rc1-MacGPG 2.0.12
TB 0.96.0-Apple's Mail+GPGMail 1.2.0 (v56), Key: 0xA57A8EFA

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