
Sorry, I need help again.
I want to used an other smardcard to backup my first smartcard, but this other 
smartcard has already be used to generate keys so it isn't blank.

I've successfully imported the secretkey (encription key) of my first smartcard 
on it by used bkuptocard command, this is good and the fingerprint is good. 
On a second PC I want to imported the public key, so I've put the good url (on 
the backup smartcard) and done a fecth, I've on error at the begin, because it 
try to import the public key of the old smartcard key but finish to import the 
good public key of my first smartcard is well imported on the other PC in the 

But when I done gpg2 --card-status I see nothing in general key info and sign 
counter is 0

But by gpa I can see than the three key's as always considerate store on the 
first card (it's the first smartcard serial number).  

What I've wrong or what's I've missing ? What is the good way ?

Thanks in advanced.

Best Regards

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