Hi Joke--

On 06/10/2010 11:22 AM, Joke de Buhr wrote:
> I never said this particular spam message was not caused by someone scanning 
> the keyserver. I only stated it isn't that common and never happened to me.
> The chance someone harvesting your email address through keyserver scanning 
> is 
> less common than harvesting archives of mailing lists.

This is exactly what David said in his initial e-mail, yet your replies
in this thread come off as though you are arguing with or dismissing his

For the record, i also got spammed with a similar message to the one
David quoted; i don't remember which keyserver was indicated as the
source, though.

And i should probably add that it is indeed an infinitesimal drop in the
bucket compared to the other spam i receive; i'm not concerned about it.


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