I finally bit the bullet and cleaned out my old S3 bucket on Amazon and
started afresh with a new key.

Generated an RSA and RSA (4096 bit) key.

Tried to use it with duplicity. It fails:

===== Begin GnuPG log =====
gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
gpg: [stdin]: sign+encrypt failed: secret key not available
===== End GnuPG log =====

GPGError: GPG Failed, see log below:
===== Begin GnuPG log =====
gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
gpg: [stdin]: sign+encrypt failed: secret key not available
===== End GnuPG log =====

OS: Mac OSX 10.6.4

What gives ?

I have two keys (corresponding to two different email addresses listed -
both --list-keys and --list-secret-keys attest to that fact).

Thanks for your help.
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