PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG;%PATH%
>"%TMP%\~encryptlist.txt" DIR /B "C:\outgoingdropfolder"
PUSHD "C:\outgoingdropfolder"
FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN ('MORE ^< "%TMP%\~encryptlist.txt"') DO (
ECHO bingos| GPG --batch -se --passphrase-fd 0 -r PGPTOKEY -o 
DEL "%TMP%\~encryptlist.txt"


above is the script im using to try and automate GPG (bingos is not my real 
password) the above is working sort off


let me explain what i want it to do


a User can drop any type of file, called anything they like into the 
dropfolder, when the batch runs, i want the file (or files) to be encrypted 
(all with the same encryption and signing key) and then outputted to the folder 
called encrypted files, the file names must be the same as they were when they 
went in, except obviousley the new pgp extension. (i require the output to be a 
PGP extension)


This is what happens when i run the above batch.


I drop a file called lee.txt (10mb) into dropfolder, run the batch, the file 
dissapears from drop folder, and appears in the encypted files folder with the 
file name f.PGP ? and is only 1kb in size ?


the encryptlist.txt appears to be working fine. Im hoping that it will be able 
to handle more than one file ( I asume that is what the encrypt list is for ?

) however im unable to confirm as the files are becoming over written when they 
get to encrypted folder. If i drop 2 files at the same time then the encrypted 
list does pick up 2 different file names.


I can confirm that encyption and signing is working as it should, i can 
suucesfully decypt and verify signature using PGP, (but like i said, the file 
is empty)


Hope ive explained clearly enough, thanks to all that have helped me get to 
this stage. 





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