On 01/02/2011 05:32 AM, Simon Josefsson wrote:
>> I am using an OpenPGP v2 card with an SCM SPR-532 smartcard reader, and
>> I can't get GPG to take a PIN from the pinpad instead of the keyboard.
>> When I run "gpg --card-edit" followed by any command that requires a PIN
>> or Admin PIN, I get a password dialog box from pinentry, but I can only
>> enter the PIN via a keyboard.
> IIRC the on-device PIN entry is only used for signing operations, not
> admin stuff -- so try proceeding anyway and then try signing.  This kind
> of harms the point of having a on-device PIN entry, but it is still
> possible to setup the card on a secure machine and then use it in other
> environments.  I'm using a SPR-532 too with GnuPG on Mac for SSH
> authentication, and I enter the PIN on the SPR-532 just fine.

Unfortunately, GPG isn't taking input from the pinpad regardless of what
operations I am performing--signing, decrypting, change card
information.  This behavior is true of both the PIN and the Admin PIN.

Everything else that I have done so far with my OpenPGP v2 card works.
So I have no issues there.  Things such as generating a key, changing
card information, decrypting and signing e-mail work without any trouble.

I'll gladly answer any questions about my setup or tools or run
different stuff to debug this situation.  I just want to start using my
pinpad. :-)


PGP Key ID: 0x3DB6D884
PGP Fingerprint: EBA7 88B3 6D98 2D4A E045  A9F7 C7C6 6ADF 3DB6 D884

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