On 13/01/11 6:10 AM, jack seth wrote:
> I am needing to do some testing with these size keys.  Can someone
> advise me on how to modify the code to generate these keys?

Seriously?  Really?  Well, okay ... this is for GnuPG 1.4.11 on a *nix

Extract the tarball, cd to /path/to/gnupg-1.4.11/g10 then open
keygen.c in a text editor.  Jump down to line no. 1,580 and change

  unsigned nbits, min, def=2048, max=4096;

To this:

  unsigned nbits, min, def=2048, max=16384;

Then do the configure, make, make install dance.

There are, of course, no guarantees that this will play nice with
others and if you're trying to do this on Windows, I can't help.


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