On 2/7/11 2:59 AM, Kraus, Daniel wrote:
> I try to give a résumé:
> I exported my whole keyring (all public and private keys) from the old
> version and imported it into my new version apperently succesfull.
> I'm able to encrypt a file with the public key of one of our partners
> and they are able to decrypt them.
> But if I'm try to decrypt a encrypted file from our partner, I get the
> error message above.
> Same behavior when I enxrypt a file and try to decrypt this one directly.
> Is there any mistake I oversee?

My guess is that you didn't actually import the secret keys.  That would
affect your ability to decrypt, but of course the secret key isn't
required to encrypt.

If you run 'gpg --list-secret-keys' on the new machine, does it show the
keys you need?

If that is the problem, you could either run something like "gpg
--export-secret-keys > secret.keys" on the original machine and import
the generated file on the new machine, or copy over secring.gpg.

If you have the secret key, maybe double-check the trust level for the
secret key.  That should be set to ultimate.


"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."

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