On Feb 28, 2011, at 4:59 PM, MFPA wrote:

>> It is reasonable
>> that if someone was being masqueraded, that person
>> would speak up and challenge the forger (e.g. "Hey,
>> you're not Martin!  I'm the real Martin, and I can
>> prove it by signing this message with the same key I've
>> used all along....").
> In John, John and Rob's experiment (if I understand correctly) they
> didn't post as each other, they simply all signed messages with the
> same secret key. I'm sure Martin would have something to say *if* he
> spotted his key's signature on messages he didn't write...

That experiment, while interesting, is not relevant to the "real Martin" / 
"fake Martin" situation we've been talking about.  If both Real Martin and Fake 
Martin have the same secret key, then there is no way to tell them apart using 


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