On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 17:53, ved...@nym.hush.com said:

> Disastry's signature is on the ideadll file in the ideadll.zip file 
> on his site.

So you trust some binary blob? .-)

> Is that your signature on the idea.c module from key ID 621CC013 ?

Yes.  Back in 1997 I implemented PGP 2 compatible code as the first
towards GPG.  Obviously I needed IDEA and RSA for testing.  That is the
reason why we have this code at all.  Later a lot of people demanded
that IDEA and RSA should be added to GPG so that existing files could be
decrypted.  The claim was that RSA is only patented in the U.S. and the
IDEA patent is not valid in some European countries like Luxembourg and



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