On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 09:15:45AM +0100, Johan Wevers wrote:
> Op 15-3-2011 21:32, Ben McGinnes schreef:
> > That's probably a worthwhile discussion to have.  Even if RFC1991
> > support is maintained, there's still value in migrating encrypted data
> > to more robust algorithms.
> Only if IDEA gets broken (or the pgp 2.x implementation of it turns out
> flawed) or, very unlikely, 128 bit can be brute-forced in the future.

On that day it would be well to already know what to do about it and
already have the tools in hand.  It would be best to have already done

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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