On 4/8/11 2:50 PM, Bernhard Kleine wrote:
> I am quite sure that Grant Olson's key is on the keyserver, thus there
> is no matter of hiding it, as robert j.hansen suggested. however, i
> wonder why i can't retrieve it. 
> gpg --search-keys A18A54D
> gpg: Suche nach "A18A54D" von hkp Server pool.sks-keyservers.net
> gpg: Schlüssel "A18A54D" am Schlüsselserver nicht gefunden
> i.d. search for A18A54D on hkp server ..
> key A18A54D not found at the keyserver.
> on the command line!
> on the interaction page of sks-keyservers.net the key cannot found
> either.
> Any help appreciated.
> Bernhard

You missed the last digit of the key id:


You also need start that with 0x so it knows it's a hexadecimal key id.
And you probably want to use my primary key.  but either:

gpg --search-keys 0xA18A54D6


gpg --search-keys 0xE3B5806F

Should work.


"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."

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