On 4/18/11 2:09 PM, Grant Olson wrote:
> On 4/18/11 1:02 PM, Mark H. Wood wrote:
>> OTOH if there are any useful groupings in "c2l4IHdvcmRzIGxvbmcuCg=="
>> they are not readily visible to me.  My eye tends to slide right past
>> it without taking anything in.
>> This is why I tend to use something like APG to generate strings of
>> nonsense *syllables*.  If I can pretend it's a word, it's a lot easier
>> for me to learn, because can I learn a handful of syllables instead of a
>> long patternless jumble of individual characters.  It engages auditory
>> memory and can expose verbal handles for association.
> There are more than a few password managers and generators that do have
> the option to create pronounceable passwords like you're talking about.
>  Gibberish, but where the consonants and vowels are arranged in a way
> where you can read it out loud:
> https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&&q=pronounceable+password+generator

DOH!  Need more caffeine.  I thought you were saying you wished APG had
that feature.


"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."

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