On 2011-10-11 13:25, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
>       That's used to be Moore's [1].

This is why I hated physics: Everything is named after someone. It's
also why I picked computer science. Oh...

Q: What is your secret word?
A: That's right.
Q: What's right?
A: Yes.
Q: Sir, you're going to have to tell me your secret word.
A: What?
Q: I said please tell me your secret word.
A: What?
Q: What's your secret word?
A: Yes.
Q: Sorry, "yes" is not your secret word. You have two more chances.
A: I said what?
Q: Yes.
A: Right, so you admit I said it.
Q: No, you said "yes."
A: No, "what!"
Q: When?
A: When you asked for my secret word!
Q: What?
A: Yes!
Q: I'm sorry, that's incorrect. You have one more chance to say your
secret word.
A: I'd like to speak to your supervisor.
Q: Very well, I'll transfer you. His name is Hu.


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