Robert J. Hansen-3 wrote:
> On 10/5/11 7:55 PM, Vortran66 wrote:
>> I have a very limited knowledge of using terminal in Mac.  Can someone
>> tell
>> me what commands I would need to enter to do this. 
> The good news is that I've put together a small Python script that will
> (hopefully) make things a little easier on you.  Give me a day or two to
> do more bughunting, and once it's done it should be pretty easy on you
> to edit these values.
> You'll need Norman Ramsey's Noweb package installed in order to rebuild
> from the Noweb source, but you can also just look inside src/ to get a
> pre-extracted version (named "agent-alter").  Alternately, just read the
> two PDFs.  Any and all bug finds gratefully accepted.  
> _______________________________________________
> Gnupg-users mailing list

Mr Hansen:
Thanks for all your effort.  I realize now that changing the cache values
involves a little more than changing a few values and that I am probably in
way over my head.  I am basically just a dumb user who has no real
experience programming other than a little COBAL back in college 25 years
ago (don't laugh).  

I read the agent-alter PDF and I get the gist of what it does.  My problem
is I really unfamiliar with using terminal.

To use agent-alter do I just copy the code from the PDF and paste into
terminal or is more involved?  I understand how to change the cache values
in agent-alter but beyond that I am pretty clueless.  

If there are a few monkey-see monkey-do steps that I need to do to implement
alter-agent could you let me know what they are.  If it is more involved
than that or if it is something I could easily screw up my system not
knowing what I am doing let me know and I will search for another encryption

Is there another front end to GnuPG besides GPG Tools that would allow me to
limit the time a password is cached?

I am using a mac running os x.  I am using GPG Tools,   Keychain Access
Version 0.8.13 (0.8.13)

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