On Wednesday 19 of October 2011 22:10:30 Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 October 2011, Harakiri wrote:
> >
> > Also - inventing just ANOTHER protocol for email encryption that mail
> > clients should implement? Heck, the only protocol available in all
> > major mail clients right now for out of the box encryption is only
> > smime - for PGP you need plugins - even after so many years there is
> > no out of the box solution for the other major standard - lets not
> > talk about all the compatibility issues with smime in all existing
> > clients. And you just want add another NEW standard which will solve
> > issues? I dont think so.
> What NEW standard are you talking about? Werner wants to use OpenPGP.
> The only thing he wants to simplify is key exchange.

since when key servers are hard to use? the short PGP fingerprints can easily 
be told on the phone (so you have a voice verification of the key if you know 
the person) and the full can be verified just as easily.

The problem is that people don't feel the need for authentication and privacy 
in e-mail. They feel that e-mail is secure (after all I use encryption to my 
e-mail server).

Hubert Kario

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