On Tue,  5 Jun 2012 19:22, r...@sixdemonbag.org said:

> I can add these: it shouldn't be a problem.  The reason I'm using XHTML,
> incidentally, is to make it as easy as possible for you to convert it
> into org-mode: an hour's work with a SAX parser should be able to take
> care of most of it.  If I knew the first thing about org-mode I'd write
> the script myself.

org-mode is pretty easy to understand.  The current faq.org should be
sufficent as an example.  Redering it to txt and html is a quick 10
lines rule in doc/Makefile.am.  Add ~4 lines for each other format (PDF,
ODT, Latex, XOXO, DocBook).

Let me give the conversion a try once you are finished.



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