On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 01:45:17PM -0400, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> IMO, if your client is showing correct PGP/MIME signatures on this list,
> you should file a defect report about your client.  The message has been
> changed in transit and is no longer in the exact same state as it was
> when the sender issued it.  The change may be trivial, but it's still a
> change, and IMO it is not the job of the MUA to try and fix the botchery
> inflicted by GNU Mailman.  The correct thing to do, IMO, is to report to
> the user the true state of affairs: "the signature is not correct and
> the message appears to have been altered in transit."

I don't understand this. Mutt verifies the signature correctly, but Mutt is
calling GnuPG externally. If the message was signed with a space, and if
the space is being replaced by a tab character, then the signature should
fail. Because it is not failing, is telling me that it was initially a tab
when you signed the mail, and something either mangled it to be a space, or
your diff(1) is reading a text that mangled the tab to a space. I don't see
how this is the failure of the MUA, but GnuPG says the signature verifies.

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Attachment: pgpSYeACP6BFj.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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