On Jul 24, 2012, at 9:58 AM, ved...@nym.hush.com wrote:

> Recently added a uid and deleted a uid to one of my keys.
> Found that to add a uid, gnupg asks for the passphrase, but to 
> delete a uid, it does not.
> (Doesn't really matter much, since the secret key is required for 
> both,
> but was curious if there is any underlying reason why gnupg does it 
> this way.)

To add a UID, GnuPG needs to generate a binding signature from the primary key. 
 To generate a signature, we of course need the passphrase.  To delete a UID, 
GnuPG just needs to throw away packets.  No signature needed, so no passphrase 

Note that to revoke (rather than delete) a UID involves making a signature as 
well, and will also require a signature.


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