Another paper is

Identifying and Overcoming Obstacles to PKI Deployment and Usage
by Steve Hanna, available from



On 25/08/2012 00:13, John Clizbe wrote:
Robert J. Hansen wrote:
On 08/24/2012 08:24 AM, wrote:
I propose to you (and to the people who are putting all that hard
work into gpg) that there are actually two "things killing PKI":

At risk of sounding dismissive, I really don't care what your pet theory
is until such time as you get out into the field, do a formal usability
study, write up the results and get them accepted to a peer-reviewed
journal.  Once you do that, I will be happy to read your paper, give it
due weight, and refer other people to it.

Until then, the definitive work is "Secrecy, Flagging and Paranoia:
Adoption Criteria in Encrypted Email," by Gaw, Felten and ... one other
author, blanking on it right now.

        Gaw, S., Felten, E. W., and Fernandez-Kelly, P. 2006.
        Secrecy, flagging, and paranoia: adoption criteria in encrypted email.
        In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
        Systems (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 22 - 27, 2006).
        R. Grinter, T. Rodden, P. Aoki, E. Cutrell, R. Jeffries, and
        G. Olson, Eds. CHI '06. ACM, New York, NY, 591-600.

Available at:

I would also add

        Garfinkel, S. L., Margrave, D., Schiller, J. I., Nordlander, E.,
        and Miller, R. C. 2005. How to make secure email easier to use.
        In _Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
        Systems_ (Portland, Oregon, USA, April 02 - 07, 2005).
        CHI '05. ACM, New York, NY, 701-710.

Available at:

And a perennial favorite:

        Steve Sheng, Levi Broderick, Colleen Alison Koranda, and Jeremy J.
        Hyland. Why Johnny Still Can’t Encrypt: Evaluating the Usability of
        Email Encryption Software. Poster session, 2006 Symposium On Usable
        Privacy and Security, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2006.

And its predecessor:

        Alma Whitten and J.D. Tygar. Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt: A Usability
        Evaluation of PGP 5.0. In Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Security
        Symposium, Washington, DC, August 1999.

Everyone on this mailing list has their own pet theory for why PKI
adoption is so lousy.  All of us are probably wrong.  However,
published, peer-reviewed studies of PKI adoption and the forces driving
and inhibiting them are probably less wrong.

The peer reviewed literature has many, many, references on this topic.
They're a great place to start when assumptions and pet theories take root.

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