On Wed, 27 Mar 2013 19:27, pe...@digitalbrains.com said:

> Whether you like the headers Bernstein created or not, it would seem Werner
> didn't want to be on the recipient list, which is why I brought it up

The thing is that I put most mailing lists I am subscribed to on Gnu's
message-subscribed-addresses list.  This list takes care of maintaining
a MFT header.  Gnus will do that only if it can be sure that everyone
agrees to this.  Thus in most cases you will see an explicit CC anyway.
MFT works only for those folks with full support of MFT and if they
maintain their list of subscribed addresses well.  Given that the bad
habit of sending text+html alternative mails seems to be impossible to
expunge [1]; I consider missing MFT handling a micro annoyance.

I any case, I consider it a good idea to explicitly add a To: header to
notify the addressee that this particular mail gains his attention.

BTW, exmh is a nice MUA I used a long time ago and only stopped using it
because back then a remote X connection was not really usable (and I
didn't want to use plain mh).



[1] If you often send mails to Outlook users, you may want to use the
    X-message-flag header to tell them about this problem.

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