On 04/17/2013 06:25 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On 04/17/2013 05:05 PM, Beith, Linda wrote:
>> Gpg: can't open 'rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg'
>> Gpg: decrypt_message filed: file open error
> This message suggests that there is a problem in the filesystem, 

on further reflection, this might also indicate that the file does not
exist in the location (or with the name) that the operator is indicating.

For example:

0 dkg@alice:~$ gpg --decrypt does.not.exist.gpg
gpg: can't open `does.not.exist.gpg'
gpg: decrypt_message failed: file open error
2 dkg@alice:~$

make sure you know where your file is, and that you are passing the
correct filename to gpg.


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