On 06/11/2013 12:23 AM, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> On 6/10/2013 11:37 PM, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
>> Of course he did not seriously propose the idea as a real course of 
>> action. But it is interesting to think about.
> I drive a Mustang GT with enough engine work to make it genuinely
> dangerous to unprepared drivers.  When I was taking a couple of advanced
> driving classes (because I don't want to be a hazard on the road behind
> such a vehicle), one of my instructors -- a police driving instructor --
> told me about a collision he recently saw with a tricked-out Mustang GT
> like mine.

Come to think of it, I had a friend who drove a Griffith (or some name
like that) which was basically a TVR designed with an 1800 cc British
engine in it. To make it into a Griffith, you swap out that little
engine and put in a Ford 275 (or so) cubic inch one. I think the clutch
and transmission get replaced too, but I do not remember (or care). this
must have been in the early 1960s.

Well, when he took the thing to the inspection station, you sometimes
get an inspector who fancies himself a race car driver. But do not
actually have the knowledge or skill for it.

Well this one takes it to the brake testing machine, which here is a
long instrumented track. The drill is to take the car up to some modest
speed, and hit the brakes. The machine measures the braking forces of
all four wheels, etc.

Well this clown revs up the engine and pops the clutch. If I remember
correctly, that car would do 0 to 60 in something like 4 seconds. It
would not handle worth a damn, but it sure would accelerate. By the time
he got his foot off the gas and onto the brake, he had run past the end
of the machine and almost hit the car ahead (it did have good brakes).
Since he missed the car ahead, he gave my friend a pass on that test.

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