On Mon, 24 Jun 2013 20:18, old...@oldbob.co.uk said:

> On my Window 7 64bit system, GnuPG 1.4.13 installed itself in c:\Program
> Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\  - the 32bit section. When I installed Gpg4win,

Yep, that is the default on English Windows systems.

> the installer offered install GPG2 in that same directory, but I added a
> 2 to keep the two separate, ie. it was installed in

That may lead to conflicts with the registry - better don't do it.  Two
version of Gpg4win are not yet supported.  I am working on a portable
application feature in GnuPG which will allow that.

> Program Files directory, not the 32bit. I assumed that I needed to have
> gpgex.dll along with the other files and installed it in the \bin

Actually it doesn't really matter.  The plan to put them into bin is
merely so that we can easily provide a 32 bit and a 64 bit version of
gpgex.dll instead of providing two sets of installers.  But even that is
not yet set into stone.

gpgex.dll should work fine in .../GNU/GnuPG or in .../GNU/GnuPG/bin.

>  regsvr32 c:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG2\bin\gpgex.dll
> it just caused an error, saying "The module "c:\program" failed to load.

You have to use quotes around it.  The Windows tab completion feature
usually does this for you.  It might be easier to cd to the directory
first and then run just

   regsvr32 gpgex.dll

> As I can't run the 32 bit version of GPGex anyway on this system, can I
> not just overwrite the existing copy of gpgex.dll with the 64 bit one
> and reboot?

Yes, you can.  The regsvr32 call is still required.



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