On Thu, 25 Jul 2013, takethe...@gmx.de wrote:

why should I trust gpg4win? I have doubts since it was ordered by the "Bundesamt f?r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)", which has close connections to secret services. Is gunPT any better? Finally, why should I trust gunpg? I'm a windows user.

implicit in your question, you seem to think windows is secure against govt spying...

if you run windows, then gpg4win should be the least of your security concerns.

windows doesn't get "infected" with spyware... it *IS* spyware. MS has long been known to be in bed with govt spy agencies. *ANY* software running on windows is vulnerable to govt (and other 3rd party) spying.


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        "Scrubbing floors and emptying bedpans has as much dignity
         as the Presidency."
                -- Richard Nixon

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