
There is GPL 3 based implementation of CURVE25519 called Pretty Curved Privacy (pcp1).

What do you think about using parts of the ppc1 source code to implement such functionality into gnupg 2.1?

Myself I like this "SCII Case Demo" video how to use this utility:

Short description (from the website):
# ---
Pretty Curved Privacy (pcp1) is a commandline utility which can be used to encrypt files. pcp1 uses eliptc curve cryptography for encryption (CURVE25519 by Dan J. Bernstein). While CURVE25519 is no worldwide accepted standard it hasn't been compromised by the NSA - which might be better, depending on your point of view.

Caution: since CURVE25519 is no accepted standard, pcp1 has to be considered as experimental software. In fact, I wrote it just to learn about the curve and see how it works.

Beside some differences it works like GNUPG. So, if you already know how to use gpg, you'll feel almost home.
# ---

Kind regards, Mark



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