> Hi, I am a new GPG user. (New to the command line, that is.) I know that if 
> you type "gpg" without any arguments in a command line it starts a primitive 
> sort of text editor where you can type a message that you later encrypt, 
> sign, etc. How do you tell the text editor when you are done with the 
> message? I have actually been flipping madly through the GPG documentation; I 
> am not sure this is scenario is exactly covered. Can someone point me in the 
> right direction? Using GPG Tools on Mac OS 10.9 and just trying to get more 
> command line fluent.
> Thank you for your help.
> Mike

I would assume Control D = ^D = EOT = Ascii End Of Text Octal 004 =
standard default fr end of data stream in Unix.

I vaguely recall decades back with DOS, Microsoft used ^T 

As you'r using Mac I dont know, but try ^D first

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich http://berklix.com
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