I've Cc:'d Sam Tuke (listed as the Press Contact and Campaign Manager).

On 12/06, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> For some years now I've done a little bit of fundraising for GnuPG, in
> the form of reminding people that the holiday season is a great time to
> show our thanks and appreciation for the important things in life.
> Privacy is important to me, and I'd like to say thank-you to Werner and
> to the rest of the GnuPG crew for all their work in providing
> high-quality tools with which we may assert our right to privacy.
> To show this, I'm going to be making a contribution to GnuPG.  And to
> encourage you to make your own contribution, I will match any
> contribution you make between now and January 1, 2014.  If you donate
> ten euros, I'll pitch in another ten euros.  If you donate a hundred
> euros, I'll pitch in another hundred euros.  It couldn't be simpler.[1]

Wow, that's very generous of you, Robert. Thank you very much.

Related: A month or so ago, a post on the GnuPG blog mentioned a
crowd-funding campaign that was to be launched "in early December".
Details were scarce, however. This sounds like perfect timing; perhaps
either Sam or Werner can provide us with an update on the campaign?


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