Am So 19.01.2014, 15:55:51 schrieb Daniele Ricci:
> Ok, so I have to conclude it's implementation specific?
> I'm using a custom user attribute to store something that can change
> quite often (privacy lists for a chat user). What do you suggest?

My first thought is: Why should it make sense to put this data into a 

Use a simple file with a simple signature. Let the signature expire 
every few days (or hours, whatever you need).

You may put the URL of the file into the certificate using a notation.

Crypto für alle:
OpenPGP: 7D82 FB9F D25A 2CE4 5241 6C37 BF4B 8EEF 1A57 1DF5

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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